

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Keilar calls out Rubio for attacking Biden's Cabinet over their education

What happened to America under Trump is nothing new, some 4,000 years ago, a warlike people descended from the mountains and conquered the Sumerians technologically based society.  They managed their fields and husbandry using written records.  The conquers were illiterate and ignorant and seemed to believe that prosperity simply sprang up and would continue in due course without any special effort required.  Soon famine, predictably, ensued.  Trumpian stupidity and ignorance has done nothing but damage to the American cause, because Trump has no idea of what he is doing.  Like a bull in a china shop, nothing means anything, he just goes crashing around, chasing any pretty colors or shiny objects he becomes aware of, oblivious to the value of what he destroys on his way. 

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