

Monday, October 5, 2020

Ohio Voters Discuss Trump’s Response To The COVID Pandemic: ‘An Absolute...

Taking the pandemic seriously early on in February, when there were very few cases.  Contact tracing would have been practical and easy while wearing masks would have kept the spread very low.  Much as we've seen in other countries that responded quickly and avoided the sort of long shutdown and the tumultuous openings and re-closings we're going through now.  This state by state approach creates a crazy-quilt patchwork of protocols that keeps things stirred up as we can and do move freely from state to state.  Trump could have provided a national approach that would have been uniform across the country and eliminated the confusion.  The result is that any shutdown could have been kept to a minimum, probably just parts of the international entry point states.  Obtaining the satisfactory results many poorer nations have achieved.  Gaslighting will not obsfuscate the truth.

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