

Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Dire Period Of Scandal For Donald Trump In Turmoil | Rachel Maddow | M...

Who does Trump owe 421 million dollars to?  My guess is Deutsche Bank De, you know, the bank that handled all that Russian money laundering and was fined 5k by Putin, and 650 million by the U.S.  If I recall correctly, way back when some bank tried to call their loan Trump counter sued trying to blame the bank for causing a recession.  Then Trump's kids said their funds were coming in from... wait for it; "Russia", now Trump bows and scrapes at Putin's feet. Go figure, eh?

So if Trump owed 421 million to Deutsche Bank and then Putin steps in, using VEB bank which he controls, pays the interest on Trumps loans, thereby underwriting him, he gains control of Trump.  Nice eh?  Erdogan simply calls Putin and says he wants U.S. Troops out of Syria, Putin agrees because he wants the Kurds in his sphere of influence.  The order goes out through back channels and presto, U.S. Troops are ordered to leave the poor Kurds twisting slowly in the wind.

So much to unpack here, like why no Republican Senator bothers to day a damned thing about Trump turning his back on allies.  Question: are they all somehow compromised too?  Is it all about whose in Madam Palfrey little black book, such and the like?

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