

Thursday, September 24, 2020

This Is A Democratic Emergency, Says Professor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Actually, our systems need to be tested.  We've been enjoying peace, freedom and prosperity for quite sometime, without having to choose between our democratic republican form of government and the many other forms of government.  Now we have that chance.  We will see if we still have enough public support for our U.S. Constitution or whether most people are persuaded to give dictatorship a whirl. It seems that Republicans are going to want to trash the Constitution and go full authoritarian/totalitarian/kleptocracy or other.  Now is the time to get this off our collective chests.  

Trump has turned this Presidential election into a referendum on the form of government we will have from here on.  I hope we choose the Constitution but Republicans don't seem to want to listen to that sort of argument. 

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