

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pelosi: GOP Has A Skinny Bill For A Massive Problem | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The "skinny bill" is nothing but a hoax, a waste of valuable time and energy because it does nothing to address the nations serious and growing problems.  These problems are not going to grow smaller or go away regardless of whether or not we get a vaccine.  A vaccine will not pay the bills, it will not put food on the table nor clothes on backs.  We have problems that are going to grow over the 18 to 24 months needed to get a vaccine to work,  if there is one by November (which is highly unlikely, but would still require many more months to be distributed to enough people to end the spread of the disease.   

Worse yet and this is not part of Moscow Mitch's or Trumps calculations, is the fact that we're talking about people, human beings; who are not machines; and will be greatly and unpredictably affected by the growing, impossible stresses being placed upon them and allowed to grow.  Far from, a loss of income, forcing people back to jobs -- many of which do not exist anymore -- the stress of unpaid bills, threat of eviction and/or foreclosure, lack of food for the family etc., Trump Inc., and the Republicans are destroying people and families as well as the very businesses the income cuts are supposed to help.  

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