

Monday, July 13, 2020

WATCH: House panel probes Trump administration's response to Russian bou...

At least watch the first 18 minutes.
It is truly unfortunate that these Representatives can really do nothing to help our troops in this matter because they cannot get any help from the Senate.  With a patriotic Senate Presidential oversight becomes absolutely effective, no President can stand against the powers of both houses of Congress.  Unfortunately Senate Republicans will not stand up for our troops, or the U.S. Constitution, in the hopes that voters will not either notice or care, and again return them to their seats in the Senate.  The Republican calculus is that voters don't either know or care, or cannot figure out what their vote means, other than preventing gay marriages, abortions or  immigration.  The Republican Senators figure that those things will keep Republican voters from voting to either support our troops, defend the U.S. Constitution, repudiate executive crimes and/or stop him from consorting with Americas enemies for fun or use his office for personal gain.  So far the Republican  wo/man on the street, doesn't not seem likely to care about either their rights, freedoms, or for their fellow Americans.  We all hope that will change so that we can get back to having a unified America and enjoy the freedoms, rights and privileges The Founders wrote for us to preserve.
The wide distribution of the PDB means that a number of people must seek the Presidential/White House opinion quickly to know how to answer questions that will surely confront them soon.

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