

Monday, March 23, 2020

Doctor Criticizes Sen. Paul For Not Self-Quarantining | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Oh, come on, what else did anyone expect of people who could not understand what articles of impeachment are about?  Everything for these fools is partisan contrivance if it's something they don't want to do.  Elect fools and lose your country.  already the MAGA crowd had ruined the America they knew and they're going to get an America they never bargained for because they don't understand what government is, what it does, or how it works.  They seem to think that all it takes is crowds cheering and chanting slogans, no need to know what's really going on.  Phooey, everytime they vote their people into office there's a sudden need for bailouts, yet they haven't yet noticed that.  Trouble is, there's really no room for anymore bailouts really, China has been so insulted they're not buying more bonds.  Trump has disturbed the world so much that I doubt the government can sell anymore debt.  Of course, that won't stop them from issuing more debt, but guess who's going to have to pay it off?  MAGA anyone?

Comedians have figured out the trick to covering Trump

Jordan Klepper vs. Trump Supporters | The Daily Show

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