

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent N...

In other words; you're being lied to by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies who want to keep their profitable, if broken, systems.  The fact that 70k people are losing their lives matters not to them.  "Socialism, Socialism, Socialism", they scream "too costly, too costly, too costly", they scream and yell at you to scare and turn you off to things that would be good for you, because it would be bad for them, same as the cigarette companies did.  They did not care about public health, they just waned people to keep smoking and dying so they could continue to rack up billions in profits. When will we ever learn, eh?  Don't do the stupid, be sure to Stop, Look and Listen to the information available instead of being stampeded by memes without evidence.

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