

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Bernie Sanders Raises $34.5M In Fourth Quarter | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Bloomberg will not stop spending money to buy his way into office.  As long as it seems that a few more dollars might do it, he'll spend, spend, spend, after all he has billions more money than he needs for several lifetimes.  His next step will probably be to buy big and bigger endorsements in the hope that they may put him over. But, people aren't going for buyouts/big money.  If candidates spend money they've been able to raise, that will be respected, but candidates who simply reach into their own deep pockets to spend big bucks with "Don Draper" types to write a bunch of slick ads with nothing behind them but hot air and vivid imaginings, well, people don't respect that any more.

Enjoy these 10 Obama "Scandals"  LOL!


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