

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Democrats Now Have Two 2020 Frontrunners | Deadline | MSNBC

While Elizabeth Warren knows how to handle a recalcitrant child; Kamala Harris knows how to go after a jury.  Remember, Kamala's work involved obtaining 100% concordance or fail. Thus she has to be able to identify the "troublemakers" before they get to cause trouble; and appeal to their sensibilities, whatever they may be; and do so without losing the votes she already has.

Kamala is "prosecuting" a case for America's severe injury, against "the guy who drove drunk and slammed into America on a bike!"  So, while America lays in the ICU on life support, the accused is out on bail and sitting in the Oval Office.  There is not a bit of wonder why "the driver" refuses to let anyone see his past driving records. The Honorable Mrs. Harris knows how to deal with this kind of problem and get the culprit jailed. 'nough said!

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