

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Judiciary Chair: Trump AG Barr 'Is Just A Liar' | The Beat With Ari Melb...

Let's not confuse the issues here: While there is important legislation needed for sure, the need for it pales against the possibility that an unaccountable Presidency can be created.  Once we cross that Rubicon there is no turning back, we have become a dictatorship. The Republicans are all for putting the President above the law, thus a vote for any one of them,  is a vote to turn the United States into a dictatorship.  If that happens, you won't notice much of a change right away, but slowly but surely, as the Presidents grip on power tightens, things will change faster and faster. I estimate it would take Trump less than 6 months to pretty much wreck everything.  It's your choice, good luck America.

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