

Friday, May 17, 2019

Joe: William Barr Is 'Laughing About Breaking The Law' | Morning Joe | M...

It's beginning to look like the country is already lost.  He's joking when he should be sweating. That means he's comfortable with the answers they have to counter oversight.  We don't yet know what those answers are but the longer it takes for us to find out, the greater will be the effort needed to overcome them The most effective plan to thwart any government oversight is to have the military taken over. Putin would have had to tell Trump how to do this, and it would have to be discussed in absolute secrecy.  We allow the President great latitude with the military and his appointments all done on the honor system. Relieving that no President would want to make a dictatorship of our democratic republic. Unfortunately times have changed. Congress needs to keep a close eye on Trump's military appointments, but it may already be too late. Hardly a wonder then what Barr could be laughing when he should be sweating.

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