

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Jake Tapper on Trump's Russia tweet: It's a lie

Well Mr. Kristal this is the party you helped put in power! You hounded Clinton to no end, after helping the Republicans schemers Tom Delay and "Casino" Jack Abramoff (who btw, escaped prosecution for his corrupt work in the Marrianna's by Bush appointing a new prosecutor there who could not pursue the charges). You supported their project to create a permanent Republican Majority. Then help get Bush in office by fighting to halt the vote counting, which we now know Bush would have lost.

So now while your party is trying to hand the reigns of the nation over to Putin, you are back on tee vee trying to shore up your image again. To bad people have such short memories and a high tolerance of people who lack integrity. Here's hoping things will change when even your syncopantic prey comes to realize they've been sold down the river by the very people they voted for.

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