

Saturday, May 4, 2019

FBI Official: Trump's Silence On Russian Interference With Putin Is ‘Ass...

Putin was smiling? I remember how my father used to tell female caller how beautiful the looked today, over the phone. I don't ever remember any of them objecting, lol , although some would humorously remark that this was a phone call, they never objected.

Now Donald Rump has his benefactor Putin smiling over the phone. Of course, he and his Republican supporters love it because it means they can count on more sophisticated help in the next election They know they are going to need Russian help because their gerrymandering and voter suppression schemes are failing.  They must at least hold onto the Senate and WH if they are going to shrink and drown the government in a bathtub. Which is exactly what Putin wants them to do. I often wonder if any Republican has given any thought to what happens after they've drowned the government? Do we somehow arrive in some magical wonderland? How stupid is that?

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