

Monday, April 8, 2019

Trump accuses Mueller's team of "illegally leaking" to media

First of all no grand jury considerations can be allowed to stand in the way of full disclosure! The level of government confidence that is in the offing, precludes anything less than full release, because the Attorney General has compromised his own credibility by attempting to minimize the Special Prosecutors finfings and he has only released fragments of sentences, from the report, in what appears to be part of his effort to claim exoneration for his master. It is his own failed and suspect efforts that have made it more than doubly necessary to have the entire report. The people's confidence in government itself is now at stake.

Trump is a poor man's
idea of a rich man,

An uneducated man's
idea of a smart man,

A coward's idea of a brave man...

and a gullible fool's
idea of a great President

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