

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Profiles in Tremendousness - Federal Reserve Board Nominee Herman Cain |...

It's all fun and games with these unqualified appointments, that is, until these agencies are unable to perform their assigned tasks. The loss of expertise at the State Department will begin to show up in failed military and diplomatic missions. Because the CIA and the diplomatic Corp use State Department expertise routinely in their work.  While syncopants muddle through at Justice, people who rely on the department's stability to inform their, most consequential decisions, now have a "rubrics cube" to deal with. They will throw up their hands and cross their fingers. Expect court case loads to so swamp the courts they will become irrelevant in settling matters. We are about to get a very exciting society. I sincerely doubt anyone is going to enjoy the ride.

But Trump supporters never gave such matters much thought. I kinda think they are about to get the worst of it, because they don't think clearly. They will not have an orderly society to protect them from the savage rack of reason.

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