

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mueller Report Shows President Donald Trump’s Repeated Efforts To Obstru...

Barr is treating his official duties and the Congress as some sort of fantasyland where mad hatter like ideas deserve equal or greater weight than truth, justice and/or the American way.  Hopefully Congress will make an example of him when he returns, and punish him quite severely for not taking the nation's work seriously and disrespecting Congress with his attrocious and shameful misplaced loyalty.  He either lied to Congress, or he was ill equipped to comprehend the material contained in the Mueller report he, needlessly provided an unauthorized summary of.

The gloves must now come off. These maladministrations must be sanctioned so severely that they cease. Because of the damage they are doing to the institutions our democracy relies upon in this complex technological world where global interdependencies are at stake.

Our moment in history is the equivalent of; the Reichstag building has burned, Hitler is making the speech that commies are to blame when a witness has entered the hall and testified that it was Hitler to be blamed.  Whose word will we now take? The word of the person who the whole world knows has told over 9, 000 lies? Or the simple man who is telling us the truth?  Everything hangs in the balance, we must not fail.

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