

Friday, April 26, 2019

How Donald Trump’s Bluff On House Subpoenas May Backfire | The Beat With...

Trump is trying to make things up as he goes along. Unfortunately for him , his slim knowledge of government and law, not only prevents him from fashioning a credible dodge/defense, but it is an exercise fraught with danger of running a towel of various laws. Most notably retaliation has been Trump's over worked tool. His hope is that its use on those who transgress, will have a chilling effect on those who might intend.  That may work well in industry, but not in government and politics, where it can be against the law.

Of course the law, and Trump's lack of general knowledge of it, should have a chilling effect on Trump, but it doesn't. Partly due to his inability to obtain any real legal talent. So he must soilder along with the likes of Rudy "the truth is not the truth" Giuliani the joke of Foley Square.

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