

Friday, March 29, 2019

Documents Show Trump Practice Of Misrepresenting His Wealth | Rachel Mad...

I watched a few minutes of Trump's speech yesterday, long enough to note that they were keeping the camera view cropped so tightly you could not see how many or few there were in attendance. That usually means that it's nowhere near a "sell out" crowd. But they keep doing it because they are sure the audience is too stupid to ever catch on to this kind of trickery, no matter how many decades they've seen it. LOL

In any event, they were probably pumping up the sounds with "canned" applauding laughter and cheers. Even so it did not sound very robust. The crowd did follow their applause and other prompts faithfully,  but their hearts didn't seem to be very much in it. Could they possibly be worried about "repeal and replace"?   I mean that by now they should realize that not all Republicans are in favor of repealing the ACA, and there's no sign of anything having been crafted to replace it. Nor does Mr. Trump,who doesn't read much, appear to be aware of how heavily his base relies on the ACA.

Perhaps they have somehow gained a clue that,in these contentious times and without both houses in their hands, getting a bill to replace through Congress would be fraught with difficult, to say the least. Thus, to have any chance at quick passage, a bill should have been being debated some time ago, but there is nothing. So if their tempered applause means they have some trepidation about whether :replace" will be done in a timely fashion, then good on them!

Perhaps the utility of the bombastic self aggrandizing braggidcio is passed its prime. Hahaha.

1 comment:

Just keep it civil.