

Saturday, October 6, 2018

James Carville: For Dems, Kavanaugh is worth a lot more alive than dead

Trouble is Republicans have all three branches of government under their control and I'm afraid they will not let go. They can now shut down FBI investigations, fire anyone without consequences and do just about anything they want. The court will now back them up and the Democrats have no power.

Kiss it good bye.

Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh To Supreme Court | MSNBC

That's all folks! The Republicans now have the executive, the house and the Senate. They control the Justice Department and the FBI. And now they have the Supreme Court.

The president is the son of a klansman and he favors Nazi's. He also believes that everyone in government services, including the FBI and the military should be loyal to himself and not to anything else.

If this reminds you of someone else in history who felt the same way and came to power by the people's vote then you are well read.

Oh, and while we're counting better remember the Russians, North Korea and China.

Things are not looking good for America and its ideas of freedom.  The Republicans also make and own the voting machines we use without a way to audit. Have a very happy happy Republican voters you may very well have ended this right to peacefully enjoy your life.

Why Lisa Murkowski Opposes Brett Kavanaugh | The Last Word | MSNBC

Unfortunately we've seen this kind of thing before. It reminds of 1930's Germany, where power was handed over to a self absorbed racist nazi mad man. With the USSC behind him he will be above the law. He will have 6 years to consolidate power and we know already that those " good nazi's and klansmen" , will be there to assist him, along with his Russian friends of course.

The standard is not "innocent until proven guilty", but simply weather or not the nominee is suitable for the job.  Kavanaugh's stated belief in a sovereign president is anathema to all theories of American law.

The Rachel Maddow Show 10/05/18 MSNBC Senators prepare to vote on Kavanagh

Brett Kavanaugh is a political hack! How do we know this for sure? Well, first he set out what qualities a justice should not have. Next he displayed those same, objectionable, characteristics during the hearings. Then, in case anyone is not absolutely sure that he did exactly that, he stepped forward to apologize for exactly those infractions. Case closed. By his very own metrics he should withdraw. If he does not, it can only mean he chooses to be a political hack.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Can a PASSENGER land a PLANE? Presented by CAPTAIN JOE

Mind you this is using the technology of 2020 things were vastly more complex back in 2001.

Does it look like this is as easy as driving a car? The supposed 911 hijackers would have had no clue what to do after entering the cockpit. 

Lawrence: New Evidence Shows Brett Kavanaugh Misled The Judiciary Commit...

Uh oh he had a nickname or alias, he was also known as Bart (black bart anyone? 😆). But we now need to look under Bart to see what was missed.

9/11 War Games

MSNBC The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/1/18 | MSNBC News Today ...

Is the FBI really investigating? Or simply plying some sham? Will they ask for more time if they feel their work should be continued?

Stay tuned.

New Brett Kavanaugh Stories Emerge As FBI Investigation Has Rough Start ...

I don't believe we've heard enough of Kavanaugh's theories of Constitutional law. His expressed penchant for a "sovereign" president, says that he hasn't given Constitutional law much thought at all during his years on the bench. How can that be?  He clearly doesn't understand how government works and/or how democratic republics transition to totalitarianism.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Hearing Exposes Brett Kavanaugh Temperament Problem, Credibility Issues ...

His demeanor is not what you would hope for a lower court judge, less a Supreme court Justice.

Brett Kavanaugh: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

There's just too much good in here to pass this vid up. As you will see it's worth the offensive language you'll hear.