

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh To Supreme Court | MSNBC

That's all folks! The Republicans now have the executive, the house and the Senate. They control the Justice Department and the FBI. And now they have the Supreme Court.

The president is the son of a klansman and he favors Nazi's. He also believes that everyone in government services, including the FBI and the military should be loyal to himself and not to anything else.

If this reminds you of someone else in history who felt the same way and came to power by the people's vote then you are well read.

Oh, and while we're counting better remember the Russians, North Korea and China.

Things are not looking good for America and its ideas of freedom.  The Republicans also make and own the voting machines we use without a way to audit. Have a very happy happy Republican voters you may very well have ended this right to peacefully enjoy your life.

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