

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

GOP Gerrymandering: Democratic Votes Not Matched By Seats Gained | Rache...

When Tom Delay was using the millions, raised by "Casino"Jack Abramoff, he wasn't kidding about using those ill gotten gains to create a "permanent Republican majority" by gerrymandering every state across the board. With this kind of thing in place, it's hardly a wonder that with the media megaphone under Republican control, the entire party had to march in virtual lock step. This new knowledge reveals just how tremendous the forces against John McCain really were and what a true American Hero he actually was. He was moving against a very powerful and monsterous Republican machine that, I dare say most polls would have withered under.

Hope Rachel will do a show that illustrates just how Heroic John McCain actually was in the face of the monster Republican jauggernaut.

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