

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Baggage Handler Killed After Stealing Empty Passenger Plane


  1. I'm reading the comments here and I don't see anyone who remembers the lines from operation Northwood: "the plane would be boarded by people with carefully prepared identities".

    Anyway, this is some sort of obvious fakery. An untrained person cannot simply fly these aircraft. They are not like driving a car. Planes move through three dimensions. To make things even more complex, there is the little matter of "stalls" , since every aircraft has its own variations of flight characteristics it is impossible for an untrained, non-instrument rated person to takeoff and fly the aircraft. They will cause a stall guaranteed, within seconds or minutes of takeoff. They will not be able to recover from a stall and so they will crash without flying anywhere.

    You are being treated to animated video graphics of the same type they use to make action films for FX tv. Or do you really believe cars can race down a 45 degree incline in a forest and survive through 3 to 4 thousand feet to the bottom?

    1. They say:"flying the heavy jet is as easy as driving a car!"Well let's see; on the floor of a car there are two pedals: an accelerator and a brake. On the floor of the plane there are two pedals. Both of them are aleron controls. A car moves in two dimensions while a plane flies through three.
      A pilot has to manage engine speed, oil pressure, angle of attack as well as note and compensate for wind direction and speed, fuel consumption and weight and load factors, just to name a few things that drivers don't have to deal with. Has any driver been required to spend hundreds of hours learning to drive before they were handed the wheel? But hey, when someone is trying to win an arguement they are likely to say anything,even if it doesn't make any real sense.


Just keep it civil.