

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Pedophiles Run the Government and No One Gives a Damn - BFP Roundtable

Hmmm... So, if corruption becomes widespread enough, nothing will or can be done about it. Gee, doesn't that mean the real question becomes "Why does anyone still trust them?" I guess, if it isn't in the mainstream media we don't have to believe it. That's a great choice for anyone who wants to avoid the cognitive dissonance of having to choose between what is true and what they want to believe.  I remember these scandals way back in 1990's when we were discussing Bill and Monica and passing around the Wayne Madison list of Republican scandals.  Well,  now we know why things moved the way they did then.

1 comment:

  1. Tip: Download any videos and put a copy on or a cloud; create a link below your embed to allow readers to have a backup. They're killing links to snuff evidence; key evidence should be OFFLINE on a USB drive.

    They also are killing our 'Crown Jewels' and have been for some time; Robin Williams and Peaches Geldof were some of the most recent.

    All these 'suicides' and 'overdoses' have one thing in common: Jewish senor eaters as girl friends, except with Peaches who had a Jewish husband; Peaches disclosed names of women who gave their babies to a rock star for sex, next thing you know she is murdered!

    Here's a page with a partial list:


Just keep it civil.