

Friday, April 17, 2015

Fox News: 'Minorities' need to 'be trained' to be 'more sensitive' to police

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro has a show called Justice with Judge Jeanine—because nothing says "legitimate legal council" like having your first name cutely used in the title of a television show. She took a moment to do the Fox equivalent of going to the phones by reading the results of a Fox News' poll that 15 angry racists in a shed filled out online.

We asked, do police need to be retrained on how to be sensitive to the minority community? (She air quotes the word "minority community.") (Dramatic pause with huge audio breath)
Overwhelming response was in favor of law enforcement.
First off, in "favor of law enforcement" wasn't an answer. "Training" should be a positive thing for anyone in any field; but we know what you meant, Jeanine. Second, did Jeanine air quote "minority community" because she's a secret reverse racist? I mean, in Ferguson, Missouri, there is such a large "minority community" that they make up the majority of Ferguson. Where did all of these minorities come from? They're all over the place! READ MORE

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