

Monday, March 16, 2015

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul, Rubio & 47 'Traitors' Who Sent Letter To Iran - Petition Soars

The Traitorous 47
Highly sensitive weapons negotiations between seven nations, including the U.S., China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, and Iran have been compromised this past week by what some call a treasonous letter written to Iran by 47 U.S. Republican lawmakers.

This act has caused outrage nationwide against the signees of the letter. Two of the names contained in the message are 2016 Republican presidential candidates Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Marco Rubio. After condemnation came from the American people, President Obama, Democrats and even Republicans, world leaders/officials are now expressing their shock and disgust.
Karen De Young with the Washington Post relays some of the quotesin her article. Here is one:
“Suddenly, Iran can say to us: ‘Are your proposals actually trustworthy if 47 senators say that no matter what the government agrees to, we can subsequently take it off the table?’ ” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said during a visit to Washington.
De Young continues: READ MORE

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