

Friday, March 27, 2015

Move Over Food Trucks, Food Bikes Are Taking to the Streets

Charlie Wicker of Trailhead Coffee Roasters makes
all of his deliveries within the 6-mile radius of Portland,
Oregon on one of his custom-built cargo bikes.
Photo credit: John Lee / Trailhead Coffee Roasters
Yes, they're really cool, but they're also eco-friendly.

While food on-the-go is nothing new—wheeled food carts delivering food to cowboys and soldiers date back as early as the late 1800s—food bikes are seeing a sudden urban resurgence likely fueled by the recent food truck craze.

According to IBISWorld market research, food trucks are a booming industry with $857 million in sales in 2015 with an estimated 4,000 businesses employing nearly 15,000 people nationwide. While the industry is expected to continue to thrive, the drag of costly equipment, unfavorable regulatory conditions and gas-guzzling trucks has a new crop of traveling food entrepreneurs opting instead for cheaper eco-friendly food bikes.   READ MORE


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