

Monday, February 2, 2015

Ten True Facts Guaranteed to Short-Circuit Republican Brains

As a public service to those who find themselves inextricably cornered by aggressively ill-informed Republicans at work, on the train or at family gatherings, presented here are ten indisputably true facts that will seriously challenge a Republican’s worldview and probably blow a brain cell or two. At the very least, any one of these GOP-busters should stun and confuse them long enough for you to slip quietly away from a pointless debate and allow you to get on about your business.

1. The United States is not a Christian nation, and the Bible is not the cornerstone of our law.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist.
3. The first president to propose national health insurance was a Republican.
4. Ronald Reagan once signed a bill legalizing abortion.
5. Reagan raised federal taxes eleven times.
6. Roe v. Wade was a bipartisan ruling made by a predominantly Republican-appointed Supreme Court.
7. The Federal Reserve System was a Republican invention.
8. The Environmental Protection Agency was, too.
9. Obama has increased government spending less than any president in at least a generation.
10. President Obama was not only born in the United States, his roots run deeper in American history than most people know. 



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