

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Russia Suspends Import of Monsanto Corn on Health Concerns

California voters will decide on mandatory labeling
of GMOs in November. (photo: California Right to Know)
By Anne Sewell, Digital Journal

26 September 12

ollowing the recent rat study on NK603 GMO corn, Russia has suspended imports of Monsanto corn, while France continues investigations into the possible dangers of GMOs to human health.
On Tuesday this week, Russia suspended the import and use of Monsanto's genetically engineered corn, following the scientific study released on September 19 on rats fed with this corn, which caused serious health problems, including tumors and organ failure.

The study was run over a period of two years, which is the lifetime of the rats being studied and was the first animal feeding trial, set up to study the lifetime effects of exposure to NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize, and also to Roundup, the world's best-selling herbicide and weedkiller.

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