

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Look Who's Covertly Controlling the GOP: Karl Rove, Scheming Election Theft and Raising a Fortune for Vicious Attack Ads

Karl Rove is no longer merely Bush’s Brain; he’s the man who swallowed the Republican Party.
August 22, 2012

The following is a transcript of a Democracy Now! interview with Craig Unger on Karl Rove's comeback. 
Our guest for the hour is Craig Unger, who has written  Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom of Power . In it, he writes, "Undeniably, he’s back," talking about Karl Rove. "He has re-invented himself. He is not merely Bush’s Brain; he’s the man who swallowed the Republican Party. As the maestro orchestrating the various super-pacs, he has inspired the wealthiest people on the right to pony up what could amount to $1 billion and has created an unelected position for himself of real enduring power with no term limits. Karl Rove has become the ultimate party boss." Craig Unger, lay out his rise to power, his fall, and then his rise again. READ MORE

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