

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sen. Richard Lugar's Parting Words: Beware of Tea Party Extremists

Senator Richard G. Lugar
Indiana's Sen. Richard Lugar, who lost in the Republican Primary to Tea Party darling Richard Mourdock, issued a lengthy written statement on Tuesday night that chastised extremists in his party--such as his opponent--who Lugar said could not possibly govern for the good of the nation if they held fast to their draconian, uncompromising beliefs.

Instead, Lugar, who was among one of the last moderate Republican Senators who prided themselves on working with Democrats and Republicans alike, issued a statement that said that the Republican Party would not survive if its U.S. senators could not compromise on issues such as climate change, tax increases, immigration reform or vote for a Democratic president's Supreme Court nominees.
Here's the Lugar statement in it entirety:   READ MORE

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