

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jail for Sending Their Kid to School? How America Treats Black Women and Children Like Criminals

Kelly Williams-Bolar Convict - sending kid to wrong school
There's a war in America against black women and their young children.
May 8, 2012

We are told that the Republicans are waging a war on women. It is true that they are on an endless quest to restrict access to abortion, if not outlaw it altogether, and want to prevent insurance companies from paying for contraception. In Wisconsin, the Republican governor recently signed legislation which repealed that state’s equal pay enforcement act.

The Republicans deserve the label, but if there is a war on women in America today, it is being directed primarily at black women as a group and at their young children as well. Black women have been criminalized for the most minor of offensesfor enrolling their children in schools outside of their home districts, and even when their children are victimized by other people.

In Ohio in 2011, Kelly Williams-Bolar, was convicted of felony theft and spentten days in jail for enrolling her children in a school district that was not her own. The merits of the case were debatable, as her children lived with their grandfather in the district in question, but no matter, Ms. Williams-Bolar had to be taught a lesson and she and her father were indicted. The governor did reduce her sentence, calling it unduly harsh, but she was still convicted of a crime.  READ MORE

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ms. Kimberly for your wonderful article. I'm so glad to see someone finally speaking up for Black women and girls, and acknowledging the horrific injustices taking place right now against us. Black men refuse to speak up for us, Black civil rights organizations refuse to speak up for us. They only speak up if a Black male is involved - they no longer want Black women as part of the Black race, other than for baby-making and scapegoating. We MUST do something about this now. I thank you thank you THANK YOU for your article


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