

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Seven Truths Inconvenient to US Foreign Policy

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in Libya
to meet the new leaders who were helped into power
by Washington, 10/18/11. (photo: Reuters)
By Dan Kovalik, CounterPunch
22 January 12

s George Orwell so eloquently stated, "Truth is the first casualty of war." Indeed, lying is absolutely necessary to the ability of countries such as the U.S. aiming to wage unprovoked war upon other countries - the worst form of human rights crime as recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal which noted that it is "the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." Given that the U.S. is currently attempting to wage actual war, as well as to carry out acts of war (such as embargos or other forms of economic strangulation), against numerous countries, one is subject to a constant barrage of lies from the U.S. government to justify such acts.
In light of the foregoing, I thought it was important to set forth some truths (though, of course, not an exhaustive list) which undermine the U.S.’s cause for war throughout the world.

1. Gaddafi troops did not engage in mass rapes.

2. The NATO-backed Libyan rebels have committed egregious human rights abuses.

3. The US has been involved in violent attacks in Iran for years.

4. The US was an enemy of democracy & human rights in Iran for over a quarter of a century.

5. The US began the conflict in Afghanistan that helped spawn al Qaeda.

6. The worst human rights abusers in the western hemisphere are US allies.

7. Cuba has played one of the greatest humanitarian roles in the world, especially given its small size and scant resources.

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