

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Surprise! Pat Buchanan's Book Is Riddled With Racism

Not Everyone is a racist Pat!
Quick hit: Talking Points Memo's Jillian Rayfield read Pat Buchanan's new book so you don't have to, and found--guess what?--tons of racism, dubious thinking, and paranoia about the death of white America, all glazed over with a huge amount  of rainbow-err, white--colored nostalgia for the days of yore.
You know, because to Uncle Pat, things were so much better in the glory old era of segregation:
Back then, black and white lived apart, went to different schools and churches, played on different playgrounds, and went to different restaurants, bars, theaters, and soda fountains. But we shared a country and a culture. We were one nation. We were Americans.
Also, this little gem:

Before the 1960s, equality meant every citizen enjoyed the same constitutional rights and the equal protection of existing laws. Nothing in the Constitution or federal law mandated social, racial, or gender equality. 
Read all Rayfield's findings here, and an earlier AlterNet story wondering why this bigoted man is still given a position of influence at MSNBC and elsewhere.
By Sarah Seltzer | Sourced from AlterNet

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