

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Poverty Matters!: A Christmas Miracle

Charity Crowell, 9, checks her school supplies at the trailer where she lives
by: Paul Thomas, The Daily Censored | News Analysis 
Something profound appears to have occurred—a cosmic shift in the education reform debate that reflects our larger social debates in the U.S.

After Ladd and Fiske published a commentary in The New York Times“Class Matters. Why Won’t We Admit It?,” and Diane Ravitch blogged “Scrooge and School Reform,” several commentators quickly chimed in about the poverty debate in education.

Amanda Ripley commented on her own blog to clarify: “I also agree that out-of-school factors are hugely impactful on student learning, of course.”

And more directly and fully, Peter Meyer has offered “A Christmas Carol For Our Schools”: “What I don’t understand in all of this is who exactly is claiming that class (or poverty or parents or kids) doesn’t matter?  Ladd and Fiske spend most of their essay stating the obvious: that socio-economic circumstance matters to education outcomes.”  READ MORE

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