

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Supercommittee's Failure: The Winners and Losers

President Obama spoke on Monday after the congressional supercommittee failed to reach a deal on deficit reduction, 11/21/11. (photo: Philip Scott Andrews/NYT)

By Jonathan Allen, Politico

21 November 11

RSN COMMENT: "In a short, to-the-point, White House news conference President Obama promised to veto any attempt to avoid $1.2 trillion in 'triggered cuts' after the collapse of the so-called 'Supercommittee.' In an obvious reference to plans by Congressional Republicans to bypass nearly $600 billion in defense cuts, the President said, 'I'll veto any effort to avoid automatic cuts." -- JPS/RSN

In Washington, you can win for losing.

As the professional Cassandra class bemoaned the failure of the congressional supercommittee to come up with $1.2 trillion in deficit-slashing policies on Monday, there were plenty of folks in DC ready to dance a jig on the fresh legislative grave.

That's because a lot of folks stood to gain - or at least lose less - from the debacle.

Still, it's hard not to see Washington, Congress and the members of the supercommittee as big losers in the scorecard of national politics.

Here's a look at how POLITICO ranks the losers and winners.


The military industrial complex

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