

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Herman Cain Was Elated When He Learned That His Muslim-Sounding Doctor Wasn’t Muslim

Photo: "God forbid a Muslim doctor try to save Herman Cain's life".

By Dan Amira

When Herman Cain made an appearance at a Jesus-themed amusement park in Florida recently, he made an effort to connect with the pious Christians who had decided to spend their day there instead of someplace even remotely fun. And what better way to ingratiate yourself to your Christian brothers and sisters than telling an anecdote about how much you hate Muslims! As Yahoo's Chris Moody reports:

He did have a slight worry at one point during the chemotherapy process when he discovered that one of the surgeon's name was "Dr. Abdallah." READ MORE

(HolyLand where you can have your picture taken with Jesus on a Harley.
Good Grief!

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