

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ready to Fight: Has Obama Finally Shaken Up Washington?

The proposals outlined in the president's fiery speech aren't new, but the administration appears to be getting serious about fighting for them.

September 20, 2011

On Monday, Barack Obama proffered a deficit reduction package that would complement his call last week for a new focus on jobs. The proposals, especially the president's endorsement of the “Buffet Principle” -- which holds that the richest Americans should pay the same share of their incomes as their secretaries do – appears to have fired up the Democratic base. “This is not class warfare—it's math," became the line of the day, and even Firedoglake, a site known for attacking Obama from the left, acknowledged that while he “spent the first 2 1/2 years of his presidency courting” pundits and blue dog Democrats, Obama now appears to be “on the right track.”


Hmmm... "pay the same"?!? How about "pay more"? Is that fair? Or... Perhaps the rich should eat the same food as their secretaries? wear the same clothes? Live in similar houses? How is it fair that someone who pays more for a suit of clothes, than the car you drive, gets to pay the same tax rate you do? Pays as much for a car, as your house costs you, or buys a yacht or a plane that cost more than you'll ever earn in your entire life, but has to save money on taxes. Makes no sense and that's what is being complained about, government isn't making much sense these days. That kinda means that it can hardly be called on to govern. Government is being pushed from the right, to rule like a Monarch, even though the days of monarchy have been tried, failed and moved past. We are now faced with a creeping monarchy under development again.

Believe me, no sane person in these United States, likes this loss of time and social/economic disarray more than anyone else, be they rich, middle class or poor. But everyone sane is coming to agree that it's just some corporations and some of the wealthy, some of the middle class, and even some of the poor, who haven't the sense to see what they're doing.

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