

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is Andrew Breitbart Encouraging Domestic Terrorism?

I'm under attack all the time. They call me gay, there are death threats... There are times where I'm not thinking as clearly as I should, and in those unclear moments, I always think to myself, 'Fire the first shot.' Bring it on. Because I know who's on our side. They can only win a rhetorical and propaganda war. They cannot win. We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns... I'm not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they're dealing with. READ MORE

-------------------------------- My Commentary: --------------------------------------

I'm afraid this man has lost touch with reality! Most people are trying to earn a living and put something away for retirement, not out "gunning" for some political radical, no matter how much of a lunatic he may be.

The people he's helped "dis empower"... News Flash---they come from both sides of the aisle! The news just reported that 54% of Americans are living in homes they can no longer afford. Not many homeless people can afford guns, in fact, not many of them are even thinking about them. Their time is occupied with trying to reverse their dire situations. While he supports a party that is trying to bring on disaster, in the hopes that it can be blamed on Obama!

The last resident in the white house wrecked the economy so badly, that many economist were recommending that we let it fail, sweep it away and start rebuilding from scratch. Nobody wanted that to happen, so we elected someone to try and fix it. Now that we're begining to discover, the damage done was so bad, that those economist who wanted to start over, were probably right, we're supposed to blame the man who tried to fix it and failed? Put the people who wrecked it back in office? Why? They made wrong guesses, lied about it to sell it. Did not know what they were doing, but ensured that they got paid well, for whatever it was they were doing. They left the laws, that underlay economic stability, in ruins. They mangled the rules, that underlay social stability, so badly they scarcely function. It is only anyone's guess, how long we can continue to follow the old themes by rote, before they too fail to function as expected.

There's a big difference between what it took to recover in the aftermath of '29 and what it will take to recover today. That difference is the very same widely spread automation, that allows so much productivity from so few workers. The problem with that is this: Those complex and costly machines, can only be profitably employed, if there are large numbers of consumers to uptake the sheer volume of merchandise they're able to turn out.

Sales of 500,000 cars might seem like a lot, but a half million car sales, would not sustain a profitable, modern and automated, General Motors! Worse, many of the parts suppliers who serve GM, also sell parts to other companies as well. But, without GM they couldn't survive, so those other companies would have to close, if GM's parts suppliers failed. So, as the economy gets worse, if those companies are doing more business off shore, they'll have little choice but to move.

In the meantime, the in-ability of Congress to set fair ground rules, for how the people and companies should interact -- the meat and potatoes of what we need government for -- creates a level of uncertainty, that gives companies and investors, too many trepidations about where or what to invest in.

The financial pages keep pointing to rising prices, as evidence of a healthy recovering economy. But there's another way to view the same data; that perhaps prices are rising because the consumer base is shrinking. Such that higher prices for the remaining customers are necessary, to provide the same level of service. Because it's either that or bankruptcy. Recovery?!? Really?!? I don't see where there are more people buying. No more "shop till you drop", anywhere in sight. Just historically high levels of unemployment, under employed and people who can't afford to live in their homes. All while wealth continues to concentrate at the top and move off shore.

Say what you will about how the economy is doing, you can't fool your bank accounts (if you still have them), you can't fool your 401k's either, when they're empty, they're empty. So, there's some one million millionaires out there still buying stuff? Try to figure out how long an economy, structured to serve some 300 million people, can survive on roughly 1 million sales! And I repeat: These companies that are going towards idle, are running automated equipment that costs millions to operate.

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