

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pam Geller Justifies Breivik’s Terrorism: Youth Camp Had More ‘Middle Eastern or Mixed’ Races Than ‘Pure Norwegian'

Popular hate blogger Pam Geller has received scrutiny in recent days as the public became aware that the right-wing terrorist in Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, had praised her blog andthoroughly cited her writing in his political manifesto. After a number of blogs made the connection, as well as the New York Times, theAtlantic, and other major outlets, Geller became incensed and began lashing out at her critics.

In a post defending herself yesterday, Geller — who has called Obama “President Jihad” and claimed that Arab language classes are a plot to subvert the United States — reached a new low. Geller justifies Breivik’s attack on the Norwegian Labour Party summer youth camp because she says the camp is part of an anti-Israel “indoctrination training center.” She says the victims would have grown up to become “future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims who refuse to assimilate, who commit major violence against Norwegian natives including violent gang rapes, with impunity, and who live on the dole.” Read more

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