

Friday, August 5, 2011

Did Koch Group Team Up With Religious Right to Suppress Wisconsin Vote?

Remember when the Tea Party movement was supposed to be just all about the size of government, and not about those pesky "social" issues? (like equality and whatnot)?

As recall elections for state legislators come to a crescendo, the Wisconsin chapter of Americans for Prosperity has been very busy, buying ads and mounting what appears to be a voter-suppression scheme based on mailers for absentee ballots. It's not the first time that AFP, the group founded by David Koch, has schemed to suppress the vote; as AlterNet reported, the organization worked with Tea Party groups and the state Republican Party during the 2010 election mid-term campaign to suppress votes in two Milwaukee districts. But this is the first time we know of that AFP has worked in a clear partnership with the religious right, and it did so in an effort that appears designed to mislead Democratic voters into delivering their absentee ballots after the deadline.

Koch Group's Latest Dirty Trick?

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