

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

About the economy and more...

As much as politicians and leadership want -- that the people should be able to
continuously swallow bs and remain unified and peaceful -- there are as many
reasons why that cannot happen, as their are people on the planet.
I know!~~The market pundits can't tell the truth, because that risks creating
"self fulfilling prophecy"~~But the corollary of which is: "The people must be
led like sheep to the slaughter, because there just isn't another way to
govern on their behalf!" In fact that's been your republican/conservative
pro-offer, resoundingly seconded by Elisa Rosenbaum, the fictional name
of the person who wrote the books that the teaparty want to govern by.
Since when has a scholarly paper or tomb been written under a pseudonym?
Sold as a fiction, but picked up as a guiding light for a nation? Doesn't
the question then become; "Has America lost it's mind?" The answer to which
is: "Of course we have!" We are no longer concerned that the people who
raided the national treasury, have packed up the money and left to live out
their days on the beaches! Instead we look into our pockets to see what we
can contribute to replace the stolen money! How courageously nice of us all, eh?

Followed any history of the world lately? Well, paleontologist have been
discovering that, societies that took care of their young, infirm and aged,
did a better job of surviving and prospering, than societies that did not!~~And they were talking about Dinosaurs! Difficult then, to imagine why,
a race of people able to determine that E-MC² is unable to figure out that
the youth, the infirm and the elderly, all make a very huge contribution
to the ability of the race to survive. As in "How much would you pay for
that?" --Randian discipline anyone? But I jest (if bitterly so)!

Up from the primordial ooze, species have sought the advantages of organization.
But with the advantages of organization -- remember: "every action has an
equal and opposite reaction?" -- there come disadvantages as well. For one,
individualism must be curtailed and two, organizations require leadership.
The task with forming more modernized governments, has been one of balancing,
how much individualism has to be surrendered, to obtain the benefits of
organization. As well as how much power should leadership have, to manage
the affairs of our organizational efforts~~To little and we have anarchy,
to much and we have dictatorship.

We have had dictatorships over time, most especially when, we note, that the
needs of the people for governance were few. However, as the economic facilities
that support larger populations grew, the needs of the people for governance,
instead of mere "rule", also grew. "Governance" was needed to set the mark
of inter-organizational operations and preserve consumer confidence in the
market place, making larger scaled operations and efforts possible. Societies
needed governance to keep the peace, that made the "loftier" pursuits of
exotic and arcane learning possible. Clearly today's governing is failing us
at that!

Here's a read of interest: Welfare

Next up will be the "maintenance of the force of law", so stay tuned!

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