

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jesse Lee Peterson leads Tea Partiers' protest


Leonard Zeskind covered the meager Tea Party protest outside the NAACP Convention in Los Angeles this past weekend led by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. And as he notes, there was little mention of any fiscal issues:

He also compared the NAACP to the Ku Klux Klan, as you can hear in the video above:

As the SPLC notes, Peterson has quite the colorful history, including the time he thanked God for slavery:

One thing you'll note about the video from the protest: Not only are the fiscal issues that are supposed to be the Tea Parties' focus almost completely unmentioned, the hottest topic for many of the speakers -- afer abortion -- was immigration. Peterson himself cites one of the event's speakers, Barbara Coe, who is a well-known piece of work:


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