

Even Mainstream Media Is Sick And Tired Of Biden's Silence On Trump Crimes

I think Biden is trying to avoid getting entangled in broils that can get
in the way of his ability to pass important bills.  Going on the attack
would not only play into Trump's hands as Trump tries to portray the prosecutions
as politically charged, it would also polarize the Presidency and probably 
prevent Biden from getting any more done while embroiling him in politically
charged battles.  It's a lose-lose situation.

Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: Sept. 8

Do you believe that Lindsey Graham still wears the official title of "The Honorable"?
That's right he must still be referred to as The Honorable Lindsey Graham even
though he's not in the least bit honorable, if anything he is dishonorable.  But, as
you can see when people become long term officeholders they become different
than regular people.  They no longer believe in your rights or your freedoms. They
are no longer concerned with creating a "more perfect union", because their only
concern is to hold onto the positions and powers they've grown accustomed to.
If that means they must lie or do other dishonorable things then so be it.  You
Dearest voter are the only thing that stands between them becoming your kings
and queens.

Major CONVICTION in Federal Court BAD SIGN for Trump and Co-Conspirators

He decided that he could simply make up a defense and skate, boy was he wrong.
Now he's into the soup as a nut and he will get his turn in the belly of the beast.

Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: Sept. 8

When Trump is convicted and sentenced the nation will not be ready to move
on until he is sent to jail and stripped of his Presidential benefits!
Republicans must face a political blowtorch of opposition for rejecting the will of
the people.

Kari Lake Gets ANNIHILATED During Piers Morgan Interview

Like a lot of Republicans, Kari Lake has a severe mental disorder that doesn't allow
her to feel shame or embarrassment.  Thus she is able to shame herself and smile
while doing it, much like Lindsey and Pence.  They are living in some form of
"Wonderland" where complete insanity rules.  They need professional help, but
unfortunately, they would have to be forced into it because they will not go by 
Voters need to disabuse politicians of the notion that the one with the most money
or cleverest ads will be the winner.  That means don't vote for the incumbent if
they haven't been doing for you and/or telling obvious lies.

Watch The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle Highlights: Sept. 7

My wish is that they'd use some of that money to bring back the Mercury News.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Peter Navarro CONVICTED Of Contempt of Congress. Donors DITCH DeSantis. ...

Peter Navarro is about to get Green Bay Sweeped into Jail, Hahaha!

Should Trump testify? Hear what ex-Trump attorney thinks

Hahaha... Trump on the witness stand, it's fodder for a SNL skit!

'Undo the voice of the people': Wisconsin GOP threatening to impeach new...

If Republicans are losing the game they simply knock over the board!

Watch The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle Highlights: Sept. 6

Question: Why are there no childcare co-ops? Where the parents donate
their time to help each other and others in a low cost or costless endeavor?

PragerU Gains Foothold in Oklahoma Public Schools

This is and example of dangerous stupidity!

Trump INCRIMINATES Himself in New Interview

Hahaha... What a doofus and liar, he cannot take the stand ever and everyone 
knows it.  His entire stump speech amounts to one dangerous big me, me, me!

Trump Video is MOST OMINOUS Warning Yet

His campaign amounts to one big dangerous "Me, me, me!", which is the mark
of an insanely self-centered wannabee dictator.

Texas Republicans Using Gestapo Tactics To Target Women

This is an illegal interference with interstate commerce and should be struck down.

Watch Alex Wagner Tonight Highlights: Sept. 5

What's with highly educated people acting like doofuses?  Like they don't
know or are unsure what color the sky is, or what something dropped will
do. They are so deceitful it's a wonder how they achieved such high positions.
It seems like law schools are handing out licenses based on the ability to
breathe and maintain a body temperature.

Prager U: "The South will fall again!"

The 14th Amendment Is Being SERIOUSLY Considered To Keep Trump Off The B...

The basic claim that underlay the J-6 insurrection was the claim that the vote was
corrupt.  Who made that claim without proof and insisted that everyone follow that
premise without any proof or evidence.  "Stop the Steal" was a slogan that was
based on Trump's false claims.

Nightly News Full Broadcast - Sept. 5

They are bigots and extremists who have disparaged and threatened LGBTQIA 
and Blacks, and Democrats and they lie and openly have dishonored the U.S. 
Constitution and now they want everyone (especially  the Judge) to believe
They have shed their bigotry and racism in the seconds before being sentenced.
Who do they think they are fooling?
Prosecutors need to inform the judges as to just who these groups are, they are
not solely about the January 6th insurrection, but they are also trafficking in
bigotry, nazism, white supremacy, and xenophobia. Judges seem to be seeing
these groups as strictly political entities and that is not true.

"CBS Evening News" Full Episode | September 5

They lie, then they cry, do not buy it!

Jack Smith COMPLETELY OUTMANEUVERS Judge Cannon to her Face

     INMATE #PO1135809      

       AUGUST 23 2023       

Professor breaks down economic turmoil in Russia

As a rule, when you spend money you acquire an asset, so war production is keeping
Russia's economy growing, the problem is that the assets Putin is buying, are
being destroyed in Ukraine. Unfortunately for Putin is the fact that he can't
produce enough ammunition in house where any deficit would be a debt that
Russians owe to themselves, now they're going to begin owing their deficits to
India, North Korea, and China, long story short... This doesn't end well for Putin.

Ukrainian drone flies deep into Russian territory. See its view

The Putin war of choice is having devastating effects on Russia as Putin is
mortgaging the futures of his citizens.  He's in such dire straights that he has
no choice but to seek assistance from other countries whereas before he was
content to go it alone.  No longer, his currency is crashing as he spends like
a drunken sailor, but he refuses to face the disaster he has caused.  Now
he's going to have to give up something to get the assistance he need and
it's not going to help, it's only throwing good money after the bad.

IA MAGA Man Sentenced For Election Threats

...And they go before the judge for sentencing and cry like babies, but then after
They've gotten reduced sentences from what the prosecution had asked for, the
turn right around and reveal that it was all a false performance.  Prosecutors
should use that evidence and ask the judge to re-sentence them with and upward
departure as deserved by the fraud presented to the court.

Trump Sees DEVASTATION In his Future as Fani Willis CRUSHES First Hearing

The answer is easy, Republican Extremists believe that everyone is just plain stupid.
They think we can't remember anything at all, that we have the 3 second memory of
 goldfish.  They have demonstrated this feature of Maga time and time against where
they lie to our faces despite there being video proof against them all over the place.  
Didn't elected officials stand on the floor of Congress and tell the nation that 
The January 6th atrocious assault on the Congress was a "peaceful and orderly
and honorable tour of the Capitol buildings?  Just where does the gumption of
this gross extremism come from?  Clearly, if we as a nation cannot push back
effectively on this kind of thing we're done!

'It was a miscalculation': GOP strategist criticizes DeSantis over Biden...

Sheer bitter pettiness, this monster cares about no one but himself.  Hardly a
wonder that nationally he is quickly seen as the ball of useless bitter pettiness
that he is and is resoundingly rejected wherever he appears. His campaign
has rightly begun to shutter before he becomes so hated it becomes a danger
to the entire party.  He's a 60 million-dollar advertisement for hatred, bigotry
and petty vindictiveness.

Senator: 'Powerful argument' 14th Amendment could disqualify Trump

So far they've left out "Obstruction of Justice and Obstruction of Government
Operations".  We really need to get serious about defending our democracy,
we cannot abide falsehoods, lies, prevaricators, and those who lend aid and
comfort to those who spew such lunacy.

House GOP Launch ALL-OUT ATTACK On Fani Willis Over Trump ELECTION FRAUD...

The charge against these kinds of actions is "Obstruction of Justice/ Obstruction
of governmental operations". Do they really want to commit these crimes? 
Then they can be held to account in the next election if not impeached immediately.

Could Trump be found 'willfully blind'?

It would be difficult to prove if he didn't constantly claim he was not liable for
offenses he committed because he was taking the advice of the professionals
he hired.  Obviously, he has admitted that he knows that professionals are
hired because they know more than lay people of which he is one.  Therefore
it follows that if professionals advise him of a thing and he rejects that advice,
then he's attempting to assert that he knows better than those professionals.
Well, both instances cannot be the case. I'm quite certain a jury will not grant
that he can both know better than his professional advisors and also know
less at the same time on the same issues.

What Canadians Really Think Of Jordan Peterson | David Doel | TMR

These wealthy hedge funders and other money managers are not trying to win
high offices, they are trying to game the people with faux popular messaging
to gain power over the system for fun and profit. Very few of the wealthy are
in it to provide public service, the majority of them are in it to serve themselves.

LIVE: Trump FEELS MORE HEAT in Criminal and Civil Cases | Legal AF

It's as though the prosecutors not only have video of the suspects in the bank and
removing their masks, but they also have video of the suspects in their hideout 
before the robbery planning the heist and cleaning their weapons, but there's
also more video of them back at the hideout after the heist laughing and joking
about the blasting of victims and counting the loot as well as talking about how
they would cover things up if they ever were to get caught. I don't see how much
more a jury would need to see to be sure that a verdict of guilty is the most 
reasonable decision.

Trump TRIES TO ESCAPE from his Co-Defendants and FAILS MISERABLY

RICO is designed to take down those who structure their criminal activities such 
that they are distanced from the crimes they cause to be committed and can therefore
prosper despite law enforcement's best efforts. 

Senior Cancer Patient Delivers Heartbreaking Story To White House Press ...

If you or your friends and/or family are suffering from low pay, medical costs
bad roads or price rises due to lack of competition among other things, the 
solution is for you to stop voting for Republicans because they worry more
about "serious problems" like how sexy are the boots being worn by a green
M&M. They've passed laws that terrify medical doctors, librarians, and teachers
so thoroughly that they cannot do their jobs. Meaning that women can't get
needed medical treatments, children can't get needed psychological assistance
and no one can get the books they need to learn, while teachers are too afraid
to teach since they risk years in prison if they say something wrong.  Do Not
Vote Republican because America needs your help.

Trump ABANDONS his Co-Defendants and Causes MASS CHAOS

When Cheezy Brother and The Kracken Lady get their speedy convictions and
crushing sentences, I think the other defendants will find themselves reconsidering
their positions... Seriously, hahaha!  Of course, this dangerous mess they;ve gotten
themselves into serves them exactly right!

Trump makes CONSEQUENTIAL move in Georgia trial

Because he's under RICO, everything comes in because illegal conspiracies involve
legal actions that become illegal solely because they are taken in furtherance of
the conspiracy. Trump has no avenue that leads to innocence.

Right-Wing Sheriffs Are REFUSING To Enforce The Laws They Disagree With

Uh Oh, now they're making law enforcement political, so if you have a "blue" bumper
sticker you're probably going to be in court (for example).