A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Tiffany Cross Breaks Down The Legality of Subpoenas in Congress’ Jan. 6 ...
Punitive actions are going to be required and strongly.
Tucker Carlson's Most Fascist Stunt Yet
Republican voters: If your candidates win and your party takes over the government, this will be the last time you have any say about what the government does. You will lose your right to keep and bear arms, you will lose your right to free speech, you will lose your right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures along with all other rights you have. Eventually, to perpetuate their power they will require a secret police force with "snitches" and there will be "bills of attainder" (google it). There will be no party to appeal to or push back against any policies you do not like. Further dictatorships have a way of morphing over time into really objectionable creatures. Be Warned.
Republicans Don't Want You To Know This Poverty Fact
The answer is "sequestration" of unpaid arrears so that they can be paid off over time.
DeSantis fires back at Biden with 'low blow' in escalating war of words
He's coming for you and your friends and family with his pro-virus powers
Do Not Rely On Me To Keep You Alive And Safe |
GOP official who mocked masks and vaccine dies from virus
Notice that Trump's friend Herman Cain didn't get the same treatments that Trump got and promised he'd give to everyone before he simply forgot about everyone.
‘Extremely Irresponsible’: Texas Will Not Require Schools To Contact Trace
Deadly stupidity is the hallmark of the Republican party today. Obviously, they are not aware of how pernecious an authoritarian government will unstoppably gravitate toward the removal of all rights and may eventually center on genocidal "solutions" to whatever they decide is a problem.
Dark Money, Gerrymandering, Ballot Access: Democrats Streamline Voting R...
The quickest way to lose your right to keep and bear arms, among other rights, is to have a one-party system since there would be no way to compel that party to observe Constitutional rights.
Friday, August 6, 2021
LIVE: NBC News NOW - August 6
The vaccine doesn't work once you become infected, then all you can do is suffer and pray.
Ron "Tombstone" DeSantis |
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Foreign Relations Committee Passes Measure To Repeal AUMF
The erosion of America began in earnest with the fight to re-establish the federal reserve, the failure of the public to debate the issues thoroughly allowed for the income tax ruling of 1913, then came the anomaly of prohibition which eroded the faith in public servants and service which allowed for the unstoppable galloping runaway market of 1929. Then onto the fear of public intelligence to apprehend the foreign policy situation of the late 1930s which made Pearl Harbor the easy way out, the necessities of the war gave rise to the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower witnessed and feared/warned us about. There is a through-line that went from the Kennedy assassinations to Nixon's violations that empowered the rightwing breaches of faith displayed in "The Project for the New American Century", where there was a desire to have an American "Constabulary" sit astride the world without any accountability therefore.
Because we are not without competition in the world, Russian intelligence learned of the intractability of our White Supremacy problems exposed in the aftermath of the 911. The "F..I.R.E." went wild with mortgage "obligations" as tradeable securities and we were off to the races with the 2008 market lock-up. Putin got a grasp of our problems and sought to use them to destroy America's freedoms by helping an insecure, ignorant, despotic megalomaniac white supremacist President take office who then took full advantage of our honor system's lack of protections against an unexpected anti-American chief executive. Now we're in serious trouble with our nation's Constitution hanging by a very slim thread. It's a toss-up that we survive this if our elected officials cannot cross the aisle to defend our Constitution. (I leave out a lot for the sake of brevity but you're probably aware of what's being left out)
Growing Number Of Children Hospitalized With Coronavirus
These children were put in jeopardy because of anti-maskers who gave the covid virus the vector to continue to spread, instead of getting the vaccine and shutting it down.
Trump Tries To Defy DOJ Edict That His Taxes Go To Congress
Alexander Vindman: ‘There Has Been Some Slippage’ With Our Democracy
Unfortunately, we are still sliding towards authoritarianism. The special professional gerrymandering done under Tom DeLay still threatens to turn the House back Republican and the Republican Census gains threaten the slim Senate majority of the Democrats. There is only this short respite in time against the total collapse of the "American Experiment". The courts are mangled and their abilities are spotty in any effort to preserve the U.S. Constitutional law.
Government agencies have been stripped of much of their expertise sending us spiraling towards chaos and therefore undermining the stability needed to support a highly technological society. As such, under such conditions, many of our expected social "norms" will be impacted with frustratingly horrifying results. My best guess is that Putin, with his state-funded intelligence resources, saw this racial/white supremacist vector as a highly destabilizing "punch" that our democratic republic would be unable to effectively deal with because of an inability to reign in white advantages/privileges. Despite the tepid rejection of Donald J. Trump, an avowed Klan-raised white supremacist, the danger marches on as exhibited by the hamstrung legislature only able to act unilaterally with only minimal cross-aisle support, if any at all.
New Jersey Governor goes viral shutting up anti-vaccine protestors
Until we get vaccinated we can't move on to getting the rest of the world vaccinated. In the rest of the world is where the virus can mutate and potentially become a "Satan Bug", an unstoppable deadly pathogen able to wipe out the world as we know it. As unlikely as that may be it is still a frightening possibility that gains life the longer this status persists.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
How Big Money Is Working To Crack Down On Voting Rights
These idiots have caused great harm, they've probably broken a few laws, both civil and criminal and they must be taken to court and held to account, including restitution for the machines they've damaged and the ballots they've broken the chain of custody for thereby damaging and compromising public records. This could very well be determined to be a criminal fraudulent conspiracy and thereby attach the backers. Their own fraudulent "audit" report(s) will be the evidence against them. Since they've crossed state lines the FBI and the Justice Dept. will be involved.
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio: We Have To Fight Covid Like Never Before
Let's suppose for a moment that this was an airborne smallpox virus, would you want to share space with a possibly infected person? Would you want to inadvertently spread the disease by failing to get vaccinated? We're not talking about your freedoms, we're talking about your health and the health of everyone around you. Do you really think anyone has the right to take away the health of you, your friends and family?
When someone says they won't wear a mask and/or refuse to get vaccinated, they're saying they feel they have the right to risk the health of themselves and everyone they encounter. There's nothing at all reasonable with such thinking.
More Losing? Trump Candidate Loses 2021 Primary, Rattling GOP
Please google "Tom DeLay permanent Republican majority" it was a Jack Abramoff/Tom DeLay scheme that raised money to do a nationwide professional gerrymander, It's a sordid tale you should be aware of.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Republican congressman issues chilling news for fellow Republicans
I just wish Nancy Pelosi would select a few more Republicans to sit on this committee, like Congressmen emeritus Mitt Romney or even Dick Cheney, eh? Think they could credibly trash Dick Cheney?
Alexander Vindman: 'An Individual Can Make A Difference'
Republicans have lawyers who knew how corrupt Donald Trump was and they never-the-less supported him against the U.S. Constitution and the peace and dignity of our democratic republic, at the risk of bringing our national experiment to an end by attempting to create a one-party system and confounding the rights and privileges of the American citizenry. Still there are some 40% of the American people who are not interested in maintaining the American system that provides the peace needed to have the worlds best economy and the rights of the people to peacefully pursue happiness etc. Therefore we are almost done here, you should prepare for life to become tumultuous under an ever increasingly chaotic administration that "will not be questioned".
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: August 2nd | MSNBC
The Grim Reaper Thanks Ron "Tombstone" DeSantis for his invaluable help in deep-sixing his constituents by denying them anti covid safety protocols.
IS THIS AMERICA'S LAST STAND? Our madman former President has left us in bad shape owing to Republicans who protected him. |
Monday, August 2, 2021
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: July 26th | MSNBC
"But we are Blance...", we are grown used to Trump associates, appointee's and friends being either accused, removed or held "forensically" accountable.
Proud Boys Crash Local School Board
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Chao Corruption Shocking Even For Scandal-Plagued Donald Trump Cabinet |...
HAHAHAHOHOHAHAHOHOHOHAHAHA, Whew! Are we a bunch of suckers and losers? Well, we certainly seem to be.
Sore Loser Trump Sabotages Congress
|-| New Book by H. Clinton |-|
|-| LISTENING..." |-|
|-| [LOL]
Rep. Dean: It’s Impossible To Govern With Someone Like Jan. 6 Denier Rep...
If you vote Republican ask yourself if you really want these kinds of people, and the kind of people Trump appointed to high offices, to determine your taxes? To figure and post what ingredients are toxic and in what quantity they should be allowed in food or water? Do you really want judges who are not qualified to populate the courts? Do you really want legislation to make little to no sense? Do you want businesses regulated by unqualified people who hold their jobs simply because they support some politician? Try to imagine what a one-party system of Republicans like Jim Jordan and such will do to the ability of the nation to manage.
If you vote Republican in the next election, with the vote system skewed against Democrats, you will be electing a one party government. If Republicans can win one more election they will make sure that no Democrat will ever be elected ever again and they'll have the power to do it. Be warned.
The Decade’s Biggest Political Deadline
All of which means that if Republicans don't start voting for Democrats in the next election we are seriously in danger of becoming a one-party government. what that means is, we will be very close to becoming an authoritarian nation. Being an authoritarian or one-party nation means that the laws we rely upon to keep things fair and reasonable will no longer be reliable.
Liz Cheney expected to be challenged by Trump-backed candidate
As I understand the matter Liz would probably be able to win with a write-in campaign, so my guess is she isn't going to cave to Trumpist dreams.
DOJ: Trump Must Turn Taxes Over To Congress | Zerlina.
Could there be contempt charges in store for unindicted criminal Trump?