

Smerconish: The election is over. Now comes the hard part

"Defund the Police" was just an unfortunate slogan built on the passions of the time.  What it really means is: "Reform the Police" which is exactly the message that is needed.  When you have a system, that allows Police who are fired for cause, to simply move to another jurisdiction and continue their unwanted behavior, you have a system that cries out for reform.

Jim Himes Believes ‘We Are Witnessing The Decapitation Of The American N...

All it takes is one little slip up by some neophyte to cause the loss of an agent or operation.  Bush outed Valerie Plame and sent hundreds of people worldwide scrambling to get out of harm's way.

A Community Regains Footing In 'Rebuilding Paradise' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Is this what's left of American ingenuity?  Is it impossible to build steel fire blocks that can be moved around, as needed, to save towns not to mention lives?     

Sen. Duckworth Honors Her 'Sweet 16' Alive Day | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Don't forget to end that Space Force, spacemen in need of rescue do not care what flag the nearest ship is flying under.  We did pledge not to militarize space, that should be the end of it.

U.S. In 'Dangerous Situation' With Virus, Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump has gone mad and now he wishes to punish America by letting the virus run rampant and kill as many as it can.  It's his spiteful side to be vindictive and punish voters for rejecting him, both Democrats for voting against him and for Republicans for not doing enough to make him win.  They should have been in the streets shooting Biden voters and burning mail-in ballots, such and the like.  He now faults everyone for his loss.

Cuomo rolls the tape on GOP calling out election deniers in 2016

Xi has made a deposit to Trump's secret Chinese bank account. LOL

Anderson Cooper: That's an actual quote from a GOP official

Hundreds of Mexicans with cantaloupe calves have been spotted throwing 600 lb bags of  Biden ballots over the border wall.  LOL

Laura Ingraham's PATHETIC "Shadow Informant" Segment

Dozens of Biden poll workers, wearing counterfiet MAGA hats and T-shirts, were seen rubbing Trump ballots with bacon fat and feeding them to sharks off the coast of Cape Hatteras, LOL

Georgetown Law Professor: The Trump Effort To Undermine The Election Is ...

F.I.R.E. Cannot allow the Republican agenda to succeed, they have way too much riding on the world vision of America as a free country and world leader in humanitarian causes.  Any alteration of that view will have serious repercussions on American securities and the ability to securitize future efforts.  

GOP senators say they're unaware of fraud in their races as Trump disput...

Georgia needs to pay close attention to what the Republicans of this congress are for and against.  For what good reason are they trying to get rid of your protections against preconditions?  You realize that any Republican plan to replace the ACA, does not yet exist and that even if it were to somehow appear, it would have to be negotiated with the Democratic side.  Meaning that there might be a very long time before any such protections were reinstated.  Meanwhile the stress that these moves place people under are chilling and debilitating.  Often anticipation causes worse suffering than the actual malady.

Trump Replaces Four Senior Officials at the Pentagon!

It seems that a knowledgeable someone is guiding Trump's moves.  Many American voters do not seem to realize that there are people who would love to take away our Constitutional Rights and create a dictatorship with themselves in power.  The trouble with that is that dictatorships are notorious for failing economies.  If anyone thinks it can't happen here they are wrong.  To reverse it will require massive unrest and likely bloodshed.  These dangers could have been avoided if more people were aware of their civic responsibilities and a healthy fear of wannabe dictators.

Trump Refuses To Concede During A Time Of National Crisis | Morning Joe ...

"Sore Loser"?  Actually, he could damage the nation's fiduciary responsibility causing a huge, unwanted, fluctuation in the value of America's securities.

Live: Morning News NOW - November 11 | NBC News Now

"Sore Loser"?  Actually, he could damage the nation's fiduciary responsibility causing a huge, unwanted, fluctuation in the value of America's securities.

'Chilling to hear': Tapper reacts to Pompeo's refusal to acknowledge Bid...

Has Trump taken over the military?  That's how coups usually work.  If he's gained control of the military then, as Putin will tell you, it's game over.

Trump Lost the 2020 Election, but Republicans Are Trying to Steal It: A ...

I agree... Let's give him time, lots and lots of time Judge!

Stephen Is Ecstatic About The Biden-Harris Win, But Says We Can Not Be C...

Meanwhile, Trump and Giuliani are losing their minds. Where oh where are the men in white coats when we need them? lol

Panetta: 'It Is The Final Scoreboard That Determines Who The Winner Is' ...

The simple answer is that he is insane!  He lost his mind many months ago and no one has had the nerve to call in "the men in white coats".

John Podesta: Trump 'Is Interfering With The Orderly Transition Of Power...

It looks like Trump has lost his mind, it's time for the men in white coats to come with their truck, long rubber gloves, and their nets.  The stress has clearly been too much for him to bear nor does it help that he's surrounded by nutcases as well.

Mark Esper fired as defense secretary

Trump has become seriously unhinged,  nothing is safe from this inconsolable man loser.

Full Romney Interview: Trump Should Be 'Careful' In His Next Steps | Mee...

What is he talking about?  Conservative policies have cause all the greatest problems Democrats have had to pull us back from the brink.  Historically the economy always does better under Democratic stewardship, while Republicans bring us nothing but trouble, they spend like drunken sailors when they get in office, then scream if a dollar goes to a soup kitchen, made necessary by Republican trickle-down ideas.

Trump To DESTROY Fox News, Stealing Hannity

I wonder if that campaign money that disappeared was Trump paying off those hundred of millions of personal debt?