

When President Donald Trump 'Backed Down' On False Claims | The Last Wor...

Congress is unable to address even the most egregious failures of this Chief Executive, no matter his incompetence and/or grievously insulting utterances about our military and the deaths they suffer for the nation.  Congress is little more than a horrible, ineffective joke with no oversight will at all.  Is it still possible that Congress can do anything more than insult our intelligence with silliness, dodges and other threadbare stupidity?  We know that the Senate is at fault for this and the Party in question is...  The Republicans!

Trump supporter's claim stuns Erin Burnett

Trump supporters are always stunning!  We know by now, at least we should, that Trump supporters will lie and deny and twist and spin.  They can't even hear or understand their own twisted logic/reasoning/silliness-es.

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Clyburn On Poverty: ‘I’m Tired Of People Telling Me How Much It Costs’ |...

Or... Try the cost of prisons and municipal settlements for police misconduct/false arrests/erroneous convictions and wrongly imprisoned.  How is it we can afford all that?  Then spend trillions on unnecessary wars (because legislators are too lazy and cowardly to speak out).  But a "bandaid???" costs too damned much!

Facts Don't Look Good for Team Trump

WHAT???  You don't think this Congress and the whole American legislative process is one big, humongous joke?  If you don't, then you having been following the news for very long. 

Bolton Book Alleges Trump Encouraged China's Camps | Morning Joe | MSNBC

There was no trial of the articles of impeachment in the Senate!  Stop saying "the trial" there was no trial, the articles of impeachment were dismissed without trial. Calling that farce a trial is ludicrous in the extreme and the kind of thing you'd expect to read in the novel 1984. 

‘Magically Protected’: Why Hardcore Trump Supporters Won’t Wear Masks At...

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Trump Stacks US Media Agency With Loyalists Led By Bannon Acolyte | Rach...

Any Senator(s) see a pattern here?  Is a Dictatorship what you are intending to make America into? OR, will you do something about it?

DOJ Tries To Oust U.S. Attorney Who Led Probe Of Trump Associates | The ...

Barr the fixer, eh? Now; are the Senators who support Donald Trump also against law and order?

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

'Quite a charade': Schiff responds to Bolton's accusation on impeachment

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

How Will Evangelicals Feel About Trump After SCOTUS Rulings? | Morning J...

Only ruling left is woman's right to choose, my guess is Roe doesn't get overturned.  So it's lose, lose, lose for Trump and the Evangelicals. Tsk, tsk, tsk, they have no further need of Trump because his incompetence failed to allow him to succeed because he failed to properly manage the selection of crazy judges to the bench.  Apparently prospective judicial appointees have been playing the far right radical image to gain approval, then they revert to smart leftists.  Poor Trump, if it wasn't for his sugar daddie he'd probably be living under a bridge.

‘Legitimacy Crisis’: Hayes Says NYPD Milkshake Incident Reveals Larger P...

In reality people who take sides with the police against the evidence are doing no one any favors. 

Trump says he made Juneteenth famous. See Lemon's reaction.

Few people know that Trump funded Christopher Columbus and Magellan he also provided the lenses for Galileo and he wrote about gravity when an apple hit him on the head.  The world owes much to Trump who discovered oxygen, nuclear fission and fusion and was a chief adviser to Confucius, even teaching him how to make gunpowder and weave silk and grow tea for export to his friend King Henry who was born with his father in Sweden last night.  What???  You don't believe Trump?  Pray tell why? Did you know that Trump ascended into heaven on the third day? lol

Marc Morial: Juneteenth Needs To Be About Remembering | Morning Joe | MSNBC

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Pence tries to declare coronavirus over

According to Trump, if your car has an engine problem,  you will only know about it if you try to drive it, so the solution is; don't try to drive your car, then you won't have to worry about a possible engine problem.  Nice eh?   Of course it is, because Trump will never have to worry about your problems, he has no reason to care how you are struggling to make it. 

Cooper: Trump and Pence are lying. The Covid data proves it

You'd have to be a very peculiar kind of sucker to take up this kind of offer.  Trump is essentially saying: "Come take a chance on getting infected and dying, just to hear me speak and; if you get infected/ill/hospitalized/ventilator-ed you take responsibility for any payments and hold me blameless sucker!!!"

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Supreme Court overturns president’s decision to end DACA

Uh Oh, looks like Trump and McConnell's scheme to stack the courts hasn't worked the way they'd expected it would. Looks like Trump's tax returns will get scrutiny after all. They appointed a "strict constructionist (Neil Gorsuch)" who will read the word "shall" as meaning an unqualified right to demand any tax returns Congress requests. My guess is Trump and family are headed for jail.

Watch NBC News NOW Live - June 18

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Schiff Rips Barr For Using DOJ To Protect Trump From Bolton Book | Rache...

Bolton should have come forward when it mattered regardless, Nancy Pelosi allowed the Trump to be impeached, even knowing that Moscow Mitch would not allow the required trial of the articles.   

Bob Woodward: People Closest To President Donald Trump Don't Trust Him |...

He has no policies, he can't develop any policies, his staff can only use opportunities to craft policies as a free hand to reward themselves and cronies and "bribe" legislators for votes/support. Anything that becomes popular and Trump will say "We'll do it, bigger, better more beautiful than anyone else ever can". But the devil is in the details and it always turns out that the bill is worse than the promise.

New Ad Uses Sen. Graham: "Now I'm the one with the problem"!

Watch him explain how to determine if someone has a real problem, before he develops the same problem himself

World Takes Note Of Waning Influence Of U.S. Mired In Crises | Rachel Ma...

So? Someone expects to see intelligent government from a shallow band of lunatics, focused solely on obtaining and keeping their hold on their offices?  Anyone think IBM or General Motors, etc., would become the companies they are today, if they had hired their top management from insane asylums?  There's a real reason why the phrase "garbage in ~ garbage out" retains its usefulness.   To bad some have voted to make it possible to run America by sheer political lunacy.

Reverend reveals what evangelicals say privately about Trump

Ha! They're trying to sell the idea of an all powerful Savior who is transactional about his ancient teaching of love and care for the poor and unfortunate, to name a few examples,  but who is intent on bashing blacks, gays etc., wants tax cuts and wars and harbors all sorts of misgivings for the faithful to fear, that just happen to coincide with the current political agendas.     Wow, is Jesus running for Congress or something?  Who wouldn't be either confused or turned off by such a chaotic set of teachings?

Joe: Mark Zuckerberg Is "Lying To The American People" | Morning Joe | M...

Yes, but how can anything be accomplished without stepping on the right to speak freely?  Remember the days of "soap box in the park"? There was misinformation being spread there too, much slower than social media sites, but still effective with those who didn't know or were unwilling to bother to discover the truth.  If you hear, see or read something shocking/interesting/curious etc., good or bad, you have google to look for more info.  That's why you need to stop, look and listen before you accept any online offers as true or false.

'Appalling' And 'Lawless': AG Barr Hammered For Protecting Trump | The B...

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump signs executive order on police refor...

Hastily arranged, empty, insincere political stunt, he doesn't care a whit for anyone he should stop insulting us and keep his mouth shut.  The Grim Reaper in the Senate has also rushed to perform more insincere political stunts in an ill advised attempt to game the nation by pretending he too is concerned with the police killings they've been studiously ignoring for years. Trump still wants the Central Park Five jailed, even after they've been found innocent.  So who does he think he's fooling?  He's just reading empty words in hopes you'll keep him in office where he can do even more damage than he's already done. Our allies want nothing to do with him, dictators have his blessings, who does he think he's fooling? Didn't he say, just moments ago that he was against "defund the police", even without looking to see what the campaign slogan actually meant? Who Does He Think He's Fooling????

'This Was Huge': What SCOTUS Ruling Means For LGBT Community | Morning J...

That toad Kavanaugh in the back right row, has turned out to be just as awful as we expected he would be.

Breaking Down The Supreme Court's Landmark Ruling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Is interpreting the law as it is written "making law"?  Of course not!  So there's three Justices who do not know the difference between interpreting the law and making new law. 

Protecting Health Care For LGBTQ Individuals During Coronavirus | Mornin...

Trump is just trying to appeal to his "base", he has no policies nor does he really care about anyone or anything besides himself.  Don't try to make his chaotic decisions appear to be the result of any kind of rational/deliberative/reasonable/necessary process.  He, simply doesn't care, so he does what his  sycophants tell him the polls are showing, or what Hannity or Putin tell him.

Trump To Sign Executive Order On Police Reform | Morning Joe | MSNBC

They're so deceitful, they're trying to co-opt what they realize is an unstoppable force, to water it down and play other debilitating tricks if they can get away with it. They know how to put a good face on a bill while hiding the subterfuge in the details.  They're frightened or else they wouldn't budge an inch on any Black issues.  Do not be fooled and be sure to give anything they do careful scrutiny.

DNC Launches First Ad Offensive Against Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Wait until they cut the ad about how Trumps secret tax returns are concealing foreign entanglements that could explain his strange stances taken on the world stage! What, for instance, could the prospect of a Trump Tower Moscow, funded almost entirely by Russian financial services,  have meant in relation to Helsinki? Inquiring minds certainly want to know, eh? 

Trump Rattled: Staff, Fed Chair, Fox News Conspiring Against Me | The Be...

"There are left wing NeverTrumpers planning to hitch hike here from Switzerland, China, India and Madagascar to illegally vote against me in the 2020, we can't let this happen, we will inspect all cars driving across the boarders from Europe and Asia, especially those loaded with passengers.  The 2020 loss will be a fraud!" --Trump Hahaha

Nadler Pushes Sweeping Police Reform While Slamming 'Totally Lawless' Tr...

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Cooper: Why Black People Don’t Need To Answer To White People Calling Th...

DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order

Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture

Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States

BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:

McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)

President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel