

Old Man Fibber - a parody of "Ol' Man River"

Battle Hymn of the Republic - Modified for Relevance

US makes 'big bet' on vaccine company that's never brought a vaccine to ...

Judging by Trump's past performance, I'd look for his family or a proxy to hold a huge investment iRn the company.  The Federal Government is desperate to end this saga because it portends huge economic support packages to be needed over time.  As people now push for rent relief, the implications for the banking and financial sectors is nothing less than phenomenal.  While the people were trying to occupy Wall Street, the one percent were focused on occupying Washington. 

7 Signs You're Dealing With a Psychopath

Trump to a "T"!!! He doesn't care about anyone but himself and he thinks he is "the chosen one!"

The Psychopath & The Sociopath: A Masterclass

Live: Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds First White House Briefing ...

You don't need to listen to this "gaslighting" which forgets that Flynn was lying about being in the pay of a foreign government as he was supposed to be working for America.  From the way the court case went, it certainly seems that he did something that the judge found greatly disturbing.  So I wouldn't put much stock in this political factotums spin of the issue.

Tara Reade’s Ex-Neighbor on Biden Sexual Assault Allegation: I Believed ...

This woman has made a mistake in trying to accuse Joe Biden, he just doesn't have the type of personality that would make it credible that he would attack any woman.  It would be like accusing Mr. Rodgers of wife beating, it just doesn't work. 

Armed Protesters In Mich. Rally Against Emergency Measures | Morning Joe...

Forgetting that "social distancing" was the only weapon we had against this virus spreading and overwhelming our medical systems.  No order was given, people were informed of what needed to be done and they did it.

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institution:

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Fauci announces good news about coronavirus drug

Watch The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: April 29 | MSNBC

Just as I said, legal liability could attach to a business that reopens early and forces workers into unsafe situations, that will be legally redressable and could wipe out any hoped for profits and may close the business forever.  Worse is that relatives can also sue and since 80% of the people believe it's too early to reopen, most businesses will not be profitable for a very long time, possibly wiping them out in the end.  Also, with reopening orders comes a release of government agency to support public for stay at home./social distancing.  This is going to be one unholy mess, there are just too many variable being created for anyone to even hope to deal with.

Trump Admin Forsakes Worker Safety In False Choice Over Meat Supply | Ra...

Now we have to wonder if Trump and his friends or family, have any investments in these meat handling companies where he might stand to make money from his decisions.  Of course, now that he's responsible for forcing the issue and the governor adding additional pressure to force workers into a clearly unsafe situation, there's clearly room for the courts to decide if this was redressable wrong.  If so, the profits might be lost to the companies that so recklessly engaged.  Isn't that what courts are for?

PBS NewsHour full episode, Apr 29, 2020

Trump: "There is no such thing as Joe Biden, he's just a hoax made up by the "never Trumpers" to make me look bad!" LOL