

Kamala Harris DESTROYS Republicans for sinking paid sick leave bill

Trump has so damaged the Presidency that we must realize that the honor system cannot be so heavily relied upon because Presidents can, not only be crooked, but they can collude with foreign and adversarial governments to Americas harm. For one, I think the Justice department needs to be made into a Forth Branch of government all by itself where it's leadership needs the approval of a number of votes from each party, not just approval by the party currently in power, same with the Judiciary.

If you have trouble breathing seek medical help immediately!

Yale Study: Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths

Coronavirus Crisis: Your Questions Answered | NBC News (Live Stream Recording)

Katie Porter gets CDC Director to allow FREE testing for all

 Coronavirus II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Full Frontal Rewind: American Greed | Full Frontal on TBS

Trump a multi level market scammer?  You bet'cha!

Coronavirus Crisis: Your Questions Answered | NBC News (Live Stream Reco...

6 Steps to Prevent COVID-19
10 Things You Can Do to Manage COVID-19 at Home

President Donald Trump’s Actions Create Obstacles For Trump Campaign | T...

If you have trouble breathing seek medical help immediately!
Yale Study: Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
He's not a "stable genius" he is in fact an unstable idiot.

Infection Rate Charts Forecast Steep Rise In US Coronavirus Cases | Rach...

If you have trouble breathing seek medical help immediately!

Yale Study: Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths

COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 19) March Update- COVD-19, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Trump FINALLY confronted by reporter for firing global health experts in...

Trumps answer, as usual, was stupid in the extreme.  It is painfully obvious that he knows he's made a very big, crucial mistake so he resorts to lying about it.  The lie is threadbare and obvious.
If you are having trouble breathing seek medical help immediately

Friday, March 13, 2020

Congresswomen Issue Scathing Rebuke To ‘Blatantly Racist’ Trump Attack |...

"Everything Trump Touches Dies", because he's got That Tragic Touch!

Coronavirus Disrupts Daily Life As Trump Fails To Calm A Nation On Edge ...

He needs another brush with impeachment.  "We're going to have millions of big, beautiful tests and they will be perfect, millions of perfect tests that will be beautiful." 

Watch the Latest News Headlines and Live Events l ABC News Live

Watch the Latest News Headlines and Live Events l ABC News Live

Global Health Expert: Federal Response To This Has Been 'So Poor' | Morn...

Unfortunately our institutions didn't stop Trump from shooting himself in the foot, he did that so many times and in such dramatic ways that he was impeached.  What the incompetent government institution did was protect Trump from the consequences of being impeached. The Senate dismissed the articles of impeachment without a trial, thereby giving Trump carte blanc to continue destroying America.

Bernie Sanders Wins California Primary, NBC News Projects | MSNBC

Go Bernie go...  Looks like Biden made a mistake saying he would veto HFA if it were to somehow pass both houses.  Not a good thing, as I said and posted before, even Costa Rica has and can afford HFA, even as much of the industrialized nations on earth do.  Why is America always bringing up the rear? How long can we keep up with Republican stupidity and not become a last world nation?

The WALKING WATER Mystery (in SPACE and SLOW MOTION!) - Smarter Every Da...

Tesla was right and he was holding the keys to quantum mechanics. Boy did JP Morgan make a vast mistake.

Maddow: With The Rule Of Law Failing Under Trump, Just Diagnosing The Pr...

Trump has so damaged the Presidency that we must realize that the honor system cannot be so heavily relied upon because Presidents can, not only be crooked, but they can collude with foreign and adversarial governments to Americas harm. For one, I think the Justice department needs to be made into a Forth Branch of government all by itself where it's leadership needs the approval of a number of votes from each party, not just approval by the party currently in power, same with the Judiciary.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivers remarks

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivers remarks

Donald Trump Disregard For Congressional Oversight Untenable In America ...

Instead of misusing the courts, Trump managed to misuse the Senate by having Moscow Mitch dismiss the articles of impeachment without the Constitutionally required trial.

Yale Study: Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths

Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 11, 2020

Hopefully Bernie will win enough votes to make Healthcare for All (HFA) a bigger political issue year round in DC.

Yale Study: Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths

Roundtable: Coronavirus Is Best Argument for Medicare for All

Good Lord, we're doomed!!!  Look at these clowns, they think they're making things better by not answering questions. That's pure politics and no rational thinking at all.

Biden Wins, Sanders Lags: Naomi Klein & Alicia Garza on Calls to Shut Do...

As long as there is a chance that Bernie can win, it must be kept going.  No more Al Gore type "surrender monkeys".  The path to the nomination is set, we need for it to be allowed to run its course and not be cut short with predetermined surrenders.


Coronavirus Expert Dr. Fauci, CDC Director Dr. Redfield Testify | NBC Ne...

BS and senseless blather about what a "great job Brownie has done", give us a break.  There is still no testing being done on the scale of "backwards" nations, yet Trump's blather and self promotion is being cast and spun as an excellent response, as I said "Give Us A BREAK" we are not that dumb. Trump is, and you sycophants are destroying your own reputations by serving this fraud.

After Tuesday Primaries, Can Sanders Catch Biden? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Don't fool yourself, it's over.  Biden wins because no one will risk Trump getting another term. Putin has set America back at least a decade or more.

After Tuesday Primaries, Can Sanders Catch Biden? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Too bad, women are afraid to take a chance voting for women, even blacks would probably be afraid to take a chance with another black, and young people can't take a chance with their prefered candidate, all because we're too deathly afraid of Trump getting another term.

After Tuesday Primaries, Can Sanders Catch Biden? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Too bad, women are afraid to take a chance voting for women, even blacks would probably be afraid to take a chance with another black, and young people can't take a chance with their prefered candidate, all because we're too deathly afraid of Trump getting another term.

The Real Cost of Cruises | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj | Netflix

One solution is to make them agree to operate under the laws of the nations whose passengers they are carrying.

Joe: President Donald Trump Understands This Is Not The Flu | Morning Jo...

Why wouldn't Trump attempt to gaslight America again?  It has worked for him so many times before.  Too bad his sycophants are worried that the disease won't listen and be gaslighted as well.

How 'Fems For Dems' Are Energizing Michigan Women | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Women are too frightened of Trump to venture the risks of trying to elect a woman, because they fear that the nation is still rooted in bigotry and they see it everyday in how police work and mismanagement is handled and how Trump gets away with law breaking because he has religious followers who, apparently, do not follow their biblical teachings.  That is very serious reason to avoid risking the ejection of the nation damaging Trump.  I am given to wonder if he didn't manage to establish  back channel with Putin, so he could get the instructions he needs to destroy America and hand victories to Putin worldwide.

Trump Faces Huge Leadership Crisis Over Coronavirus And The Economy | Th...

Life and death matter not to Trump, he worries about the market and money.

Some President eh?  Elected by religious zealots? Hahahahaha

Health Experts Say Virus Past The Point Of Containment | Morning Joe | M...

It seems that Republicans are getting infected when they kiss Trumps ass so: "Warning to all
Republican sycophants; Do Not Kiss Trumps Ass until further notice!" LOL!

Coronavirus: The Race to Respond

The only Oriental restaurants you need to worry about are the ones that serve the famously popular batwing stew.  If you see hat dish on he menu, or if Asians offer you a dish, invite you join them to eat it, then run like hell, otherwise you're safe since most Asians can not afford bat wing stew and so they have no taste for the dish.  Wealthy Asians who love bat wing stew, as a rule don't share it with others so chill on the Asian opprobrium. lol

How Long Before Biden Screws This Up?

Not a good idea to acknowledge anything the Trump administration and his captive Dept. of Justice and the Republican sycophants do.  Expect them to try and "reveal" a "startling new investigation" as the election grows near.  Republicans always try to hold onto power by nefarious means, from Gerrymandering to trumped up charges and false investigations, outrageous lies and dirty tricks so be ready for it and don't let any of it change your mind about getting rid of Trump.  That is, if you are finally allowed to vote.  My guess is you won't be allowed to vote for some very strange reason like maybe the coronavirus epidemic. So, it makes sense that Trump would want the disease to spread, eh?

21 on board stranded cruise ship test positive for coronavirus

As expected things are out of control and the pathogen is spreading rapidly with no practical plans to slow it but much rhetoric by this administration to place blame elsewheres.  Obama?  Really?