

'The most Unamerican president' Scaramucci Put Trump in HEAT After his S...

This makes it clear that Republicans do not care about America, all they care about is their selves and they do not mind that the U.S. Constitution and the nation are being shredded and turned into a dictatorship. 

Lawrence: The Smoking Guns Keep Coming On President Donald Trump And Ukr...

"Smoking gun"? More a smoking platoon, or or... how about a smoking division?

IRS Whistleblower: Political Taint In Trump Or Mike Pence Audits: WaPo |...

Actually there are three whistle blowers, the third one is Trump himself who is an unintentional whistleblower on himself... Excuse me, there are four, I forgot to add Giuliani! Giuliani keeps outing Trump on one thing as he tries to defend him on other things.  What a defense attorney eh?

'Black Hole Of Corruption': Bush Staffer Warns President Donald Trump Ai...

Pence is a practiced liar himself.  You cannot be in Trump's sphere and not pay minute attention to whatever is going on. This is because you will be questioned and you must know what to say to keep yourself out of the scandals that are constantly erupting.  You could be less alert if you have a leader and leadership you can trust. Because no one in Trump's orbit is trustworthy, you have to be on constant alert. Especially as a V.P. who hopes to someday become President himself.

Mike Pence, At Center Of Trump Ukraine Scheme, Scrambles For Cover | Rac...

This means Trump's efforts were a "full court press". NOT an errant utterance of a misplaced word.

Not possible that Pence did not read his daily briefing book etc., because of Trump's record of breaking new scandals on days that end in "Y". If you must be careful of what you say, to steer clear of trouble, in an administration that routinely explodes into chaos daily, you must try to be aware of everything you possibly can.  Of course, this wouldn't be the first time Pence was caught lying to the nation, would it?

Top Dem Maxine Waters: Impeach Trump, He Belongs In Solitary Confinement

Has anyone seen Rudy's retainer or employment contract?  How is he being paid? How are his travels being funded? Inquiring minds want to know.

Pompeo Says No To Congress, Accuses Democrats Of Trying 'To Intimidate, ...

Barr and Pompeo have obstructed justice by lying.  Worse yet is that Barr is the one that Congress is relying upon to pursue charges against law violators, when instead they should be using their own powers to take custody, fine and imprison miscreants. 

Senator Kamala Harris: Mike Pompeo Is On The "Verge Of Obstructing Justi...

So, what a difference a day makes, eh?  Now we know why Barr wanted to "grapple" with Kamala's question, he was working with Giuliani and Pompous O to seek foreign help by, of all things, seeking an investigation of J. B's son.

AG Barr Does Trump's Bidding With CIA, FBI Inquiry | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trumpty Dumpty stood for a wall

Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the crooks lawyers

nor all the crooks trolls

could not put Trumpty back up in the polls.

Pompeo's Lying Shows President Donald Trump WH's Bad Faith: Joe | Mornin...

Trumpty Dumpty stood for a wall Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall All the crooks lawyers nor all the crooks trolls could not put Trumpty back up in the polls.

Chris Hayes: President Donald Trump's Allies Have No Defense | All In | ...

Trumpty Dumpty stood for a wall
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the crooks lawyers
nor all the crooks trolls
could not put Trumpty back up in the polls.

Impeachment Nightmare: Giuliani Testifying Is Now ‘Scariest’ Outcome For...

Rep 1: "Mr Giuliani, did you ask him that?"
Rudy: "NO, I did not ask him that!"
Rep 1: "Okay, so did you discuss that?"
Rudy"  "Yes, of course I discussed that!"
Rep 1:  "You just said you did not ask him that!"
Rudy begins long rambling, self aggrandizing nonsensical mumbo jumbo claiming he is a hero whistleblower etc., which so astonishes everyone, Giuliani has to be ensnared with nets and removed from the chamber by men in white coats.

Mitch is trying to ditch the Moscow tag,  finally realizing how indefensible Trumpty Dumpty has become.

Widening Ukraine Scandal Ensnares Trump Aides And 'Angry' AG | The Beat ...

Trumpty Dumpty stood for a wall
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the crooks lawyers
nor all the crooks trolls
could not put Trumpty back up in the polls.

Trump Escalates ATTACKS As House Dems Begin Impeachment Push

We really need to put Trump and his toadies behind bars. Although they won't admit they're committing treason -- who would? -- that is exactly what they are doing in attempting to destroy the rule of law, by replacing it with rule by opinion.  

Trump Aides Immediately Regret Decision To Release Ukraine Call Transcript

The trouble is, had they continued to withhold the transcript, they had both houses calling for it's release.  THEY COULD NOT RISK ALIENATING THE SENATE!

Rudy Giuliani defends Ukraine trip: I accomplished my mission

Trump blew all of his chances to obtain good, qualified representation, when he made his attorney's before the USSC look like liars, when he said that it was a Muslim ban, after they had told the court it was not.  After that episode no rational person would want to have anything to do with him.  As we can see, he has no rational people supporting him.

Jake Tapper fact-checks Rep. Jim Jordan on Ukraine scandal

Jim Jordan is brainless.  He knows better than this, but he thinks the audience doesn't.  The 50k/yr thing can't be overtly used against J.B. because there was nothing illegal about it.  It could have been used by mentioning it in passing and just let it hang in the air.  It has an "odor" that, if left alone could possibly cost Joe a few points but that's as far as it gets you.  Now that the Republicans have pushed it so hard that it had to be explained again and again, it's lost any negative value it might have had.  I think Biden will easily recover any loss over the next few weeks as Trump and his Republican cronies roast over his open impeachment flames.

Worse yet will be if it is determined that this material being hidden could have been of use to the investigations going on against them, because then it becomes a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

All The President’s Men Named In The Whistleblower Complaint | Deadline ...

Opposition research is a thing of inestimable value to a campaign.  Campaigns spend many hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars on research of their opponents.  Thus it can probably be valued by first dividing the current campaign costs by the current polling numbers and taking the average.  Then multiplying that number by the number of polling points the oppo research can be expected to move.  Just to give some idea of how much a campaign is actually spending on trying to obtain its poll numbers.

Next is the conspiracy to obstruct angle of this matter.  If this evidence could be of use in the prosecution of the already underway investigations of a similar nature, and this is an effort to hide "collateral/collaborating"  evidence, then yes, it is a criminal conspiracy.

Eliot E­n­g­l­e s­i­n­k­s Trump by making devastating point: 'Kurt and B...

The Trump administration actually thinks that the Congress has not the power to enforce their demands.  Of course that's not true, they can take into custody and/or impose coercive fines for failure to comply.  Though they try to keep the use of those powers to a minimum, they are there because if they did not have them, then their demands and subpoenas could be simply ignored.  After all, Trump has taken control of the Justice department and so he believes that Justice cannot be used to enforce Congressional sanctions.  After all, the contempt citation did not result in Barr's removal.  So the cabal of fools believes they can get away with just about anything at all.